Religion in Sioux Falls SD

Baha'is of India, Baha'i Faith
Page Status:
First Listed: 8/5/2012

Baha'is of India, Baha'i Faith

Religion in Sioux Falls SD

Site of the Baha'is of India with information on the important contributions of the Baha'i Community to Indian public dialogue and policy. Learn about holy places, history, core beliefs. Its messengers have included Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and others.
Baha'is of India, Baha'i Faith

National Day of Prayer
Page Status:
First Listed: 2/6/2005

National Day of Prayer

Religion in Sioux Falls SD

The National Day of Prayer was established as an annual event in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. The observance of the National Day of Prayer is founded on the constitutional rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion and can be celebrated by all Americans. The National Day of Prayer Task Force exists to encourage and promote events related to the National Day of Prayer, the first Thursday in May.
National Day of Prayer

WJOC 1490 AM: Christian Radio Worldwide
Page Status:
First Listed: 6/26/2010

WJOC 1490 AM: Christian Radio Worldwide

Religion: Christian Radio Stations in Sioux Falls SD

This radio station offers community, Christian, and news talk programs. Thousands listen on radio throughout Chattanooga, Tennessee, Northern Georgia and parts of Alabama. Streaming audio makes it available to millions more on the Internet. Click on the screenshot at left to visit the station's website.
WJOC 1490 AM: Christian Radio Worldwide